North Devon District Hospital - Endoscopy

North Devon District Hospital

North Devon District Hospital is a good example of Elective Services having the capacity to meet fluctuating demands for different medical specialities. North Devon District Hospital is located in the town of Barnstaple in North Devon. North Devon is located at the far South of England about 4 hours’ drive away from London with a catchment population of over 170,000. North Devon District Hospital provides a comprehensive range of acute and specialist services. The hospital compromises of 423 beds. A large proportion of the population is elderly as North Devon is a popular location for retired people. The hospital has a very busy endoscopy unit that compromises of two endoscopy rooms.

North Devon District Hospital

North Devon District Hospital approached Elective Services at the end of 2018 seeking help with their on-going pressures for overdue surveillance as a result of the increase in 2 week and time critical endoscopy referrals. Elective Services was commissioned in November 2018 to provide North Devon District Hospital with endoscopy insourcing services. This was initially for four weekend endoscopy lists per month. For each endoscopy session, ES has been providing a team of 12 staff (which includes Consultants, Nurses, Health Care Assistants, Decontamination Technicians and a Receptionist). Since then, the number of Endoscopy lists per month has doubled. Most of the referrals have been colonoscopies but typical lists would also include Flexible Sigmoidoscopies and Gastroscopies.

In addition to Endoscopy services, Elective Services also supports North Devon District Hospital with Neurology services and Cardiology services (including Echocardiograms and CT Angiograms).

North Devon Patient Feedback

A compilation of endoscopy friends and family testing (FFT) feedback. Best patient care and experience is at the forefront of all our services

“I am enjoying working with your different teams, they are all fantastic and a credit to your company.”

“It is so great to have such positive feedback from our patients for you all and we feel privileged to be working with you all. I also took the opportunity to feedback to the CQC last evening our successful partnership working in Endoscopy, Cardiology and Cardiorespiratory to reduce the waiting times for North Devon patients.”

“The visiting team are amazing and we are very lucky to have them supporting us”